Trudi Rondou
Session Synopsis: Promoting Mental Health in the Construction Sector: Leveraging First Responder Insights and Preparing for the future
This presentation aims to address the topic of mental health promotion in the construction sector. Recognizing the shared risk of exposure to potentially traumatic events, we will explore valuable resources developed for first responders that apply to construction. We will also discuss WorkSafeBC’s mental health strategy and the emphasis on prevention.
Trudi has been Chair of the BC First Responder Mental Health Committee since its inception in 2015 and is passionate about designing and delivering programs to promote positive mental health in first responders. Trudi was the MC of the first BC First Responder Mental Health Conference in 2019. Since then she has hosted and facilitated first responder focused webinar sessions with various mental health experts, as well as an online “Deeper Dive” series. She was also the lead facilitator of the BC First Responders “Building Resilient Workplaces” workshops.
Trudi is a Senior Manager in OHS Consultation and Education Services at WorkSafeBC. She has spent the last two decades working in injury prevention – both physical injuries and mental health injuries. She has been awarded an Advanced Certificate in Workplace Psychological Health and Safety from the University of Fredericton. She is the Prevention lead for Psychological Health and Safety programs at WorkSafeBC.