Josh Froc
Session Synopsis: Emotional Hijacking - How to stress less, stop overreacting, and be a more compassionate leader and teammate
Have you ever been in an argument with someone close to you, and despite being completely certain that you’re making logical sense, that someone is looking at you like you’re crazy, or worse off, is continuing in the argument like they didn’t hear you at all? Things are said, and after the heat of the argument boils down, one or more of you have regrets. “Did they actually say that?”. Our physiology plays a significant role in how we communicate. When we experience stress, our physiology can make effective communication extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible. In this session we are going to look at the physiological implications of stress and a phenomenon called emotional hijacking. As we learn about the biology we will start to look at the ways we typically respond (unconsciously) to this stress in ourselves, and others. We will look at the ways these responses impact teamwork, relationships, and stress itself. Finally, we’ll look at a few simple (but not easy) steps we can take to drastically improve communication, and stop ourselves (and our teammates) from doing things we will regret.
Josh Froc, BSc. Certified PQ Coach (Positivity Quotient); Personal Development and Productivity Coach; Facilitator; Behaviour Change Expert
Josh helps leaders respond to unavoidable stress, build emotional intelligence, and create sustainable productivity. In addition to his role as a facilitator and content creator at Work to Wellness, he does personal coaching, and has spent 3 years waking up at 5am to coach his “5am club”. Lately he wears pink shirts to make sure he doesn’t take himself too seriously, as well as various scratches and bite marks from his new puppy.
"Most young kids go through an (annoying) phase of incessantly asking 'why'. I never stopped."